Look ma, no WordPress and other anecdotes about this build.



This is an experimental HUGO build. The design is derived on a theme by ThemeFisher called Persian. I appreciated the typography, changed a few things and rebranded it as Ponder. The dominant typeface is Playfair.


I am using Ajax in conjunction with the Netlify data-netlify="true" attribute. You could use something like FormSpree, but their free tier allows for only 1/2 the submissions that Netlify allows and that’s 50 vs 100 submissions per month.


Maintenance happens through a headless CMS by forestry.io. All of the content pages are Markdown files and the code is hosted in my GitHub repo. When commits are made, a rebuild takes place and the blog is refreshed via the hosted GitHub repo. Becuase the whole enchilada is rebuilt everytime there’s a new commit, there is a small lag between making the change and seeing them on the front-end.


The whole thing is deployed via Netlify.


All images are from Unsplash. They are saved right into the GH repo but could just as easily be placed on Cloudinary, S3, Spaces or what have you.


This CMS feels so much more responsive than WordPress, even with the build lag on the front-end. It doesn’t have nearly as many bells and whistles, but there is a lot of elegance in simplicity. I could build something substantial with this I think.